Sean Weese

Sean Weese

About me

Sean Weese
Lead Coach

Sean Weese

The owner and lead coach of Weese Physiques LLC, Sean is a current NPC physique competitor, and holds a Bachelor’s in Exercise Science and a Bachelor’s in Nursing.

Sean Weese's Story

The owner and lead coach of Weese Physiques LLC, Sean is a current NPC physique competitor, and holds a Bachelor’s in Exercise Science and a Bachelor’s in Nursing.

My name is Sean Weese. I am the owner and coach of Weese Physiques LLC. I am a current NPC physique competitor, have a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science and a bachelor’s degree in Nursing. Fitness has been my lifelong passion. I have vivid memories of being 12 years old and waking up before school to go run stairs, do ab crunches, and lifting 12-pound weights in my basement. There are few things that us as humans do instinctively at a young age. For me, this was mine. This has ALWAYS been my thing. Over the years, this is what drove me to studying fitness, and eventually, the stage. I graduated with my Exercise Science degree in 2014 but decided not to initially pursue a fitness career. Not having fitness as an essential part of my career created a void that was eventually filled by competing on stage by 2015. Seeing how nutrition methods and lifestyle changes can literally change your body composition and mind to new heights was enough to solidify to myself that this was something I had to continue to learn more about. From 2015 to the present day, I practiced methods that I have studied on myself to achieve different levels of physique that I felt warranted the stage. Throughout the process, competing as a natural athlete led me to certain hormonal issues, such as low testosterone. This made maintaining the lifestyle harder and forced me to investigate how hormonal issues can influence progress for both males and woman when it comes to physique goals. It is not just macros and counting calories. Functional medicine plays a role as well. Over time, this led me to pursue further education through my nursing degree, as well as self-study on how blood work, hormones, energy systems, and macronutrients all tie in together to help achieve the type of physique most of us covet.

Throughout this self-journey, I began taking clients of my own way back in 2015. I started by coaching my best friends online for small fees, getting a chance to try out methods on different body types and athletic backgrounds. Over the last 5-6 years, it has been a side job and hobby that I did while continuing to self-educate and complete my nursing degree. During this process, the framework of Weese Physiques LLC has continued to circulate in my brain, day after day, night after night, until finally taking the leap to doing this for a living.

Fitness is not something I take lightly. It should be fun and sustainable, of course, but I take pride in constantly educating myself, as well as my clients on more complex topics in nutrition, hormones, energy systems, and honing in on customizing a plan for each individual client. Sure, certain exercises are staples for a lot of programs, but we all have our own unique genetics, physiology, metabolic adaptation, past nutrition habits and hormonal levels to nail down to reach our optimal physique goals. By working together, sharing as much information as possible, and providing each other feedback, I can help you take your physique and health to the next level.